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The P2P exchange network

Bitsquare is an open-source desktop application that allows you to buy and sell bitcoins in exchange for national currencies or alternative crypto currencies. 

BitSquare - Fakten & Informationen

Features and Philosophy Unlike traditional online exchanges, Bitsquare is designed to be:

Instantly accessible – no need for registration or approval from a central authority.

Decentralized – there is no single point of failure. The system is peer-to-peer and trading can not be stopped or censored.

Safe – Bitsquare never holds your funds. Decentralized arbitration system and security deposits protect traders.

Private – no one except trading partners exchange personally identifying data. All personal data is stored locally.

Secure – end-to-end encrypted communication routed over Tor.

Open – every aspect of the project is transparent. The code is open source.

Easy – we take usability seriously. Bitsquare is for those who do not want to forfeit control or privacy to a central authority in order to trade with other individuals. We regard financial transactions as a form of private speech that should be protected from surveillance by banks, governments, and other institutions.

Vorteile von Handelplatformen-Exchanges


Jede einzelne Transaktion ist nachvollziehbar und unwiederruflich in der Blockchain gespeichert.

24h Verfügbarkeit

Ihre Coins und Einlagen sind rund um die Uhr, 7 Tage die Woche jederzeit verfüg- und handelbar.


Die Anmeldung ist gratis,je nach Anbieter werden unterschiedliche Gebühren für den Handel fällig.