Buy gold with Bitcoin in seconds

Vaultoro is a UK-based exchange and the first trading platform where you can trade Bitcoin for physical gold without the need to use a fiat currency or a bank account.


Vaultoro - Fakten & Informationen

The gold bought by users is ensured and stored in the client's name in a high security vaults in Switzerland. All gold holdings are audited by the BDO auditing firm.Vaultoro keeps a +100% Bitcoin reserve and user's holdings are kept in secure multi-signature cold storage wallets that are stored in multiple locations all over the world.

Vaultoro keeps a +100% Bitcoin reserve and user's holdings are kept in secure multi-signature cold storage wallets that are stored in multiple locations all over the world.

Vorteile von Handelplatformen-Exchanges


Jede einzelne Transaktion ist nachvollziehbar und unwiederruflich in der Blockchain gespeichert.

24h Verfügbarkeit

Ihre Coins und Einlagen sind rund um die Uhr, 7 Tage die Woche jederzeit verfüg- und handelbar.


Die Anmeldung ist gratis,je nach Anbieter werden unterschiedliche Gebühren für den Handel fällig.