Blockchain technology The change of the future?

In the beginning was the Bitcoin. In 2009, shortly after the last major financial crisis shook the world, interest in alternative money systems grew abruptly. The cryptographic currency Bitcoin is based in principle on BitTorrent, a decentralized system for the exchange of files. This technology was the headache of the great rights holders of music titles and films. The combined computers together form a kind of supercomputer, on which the file transfer is organized without the intervention of a central authority. The whole is more than the sum of its parts. If a component fails, the network remains intact.
The Bitcoin payment system was first described in 2008 in a white paper published under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto. The following year, an open-source reference software was published. The Bitcoin network is based on one of the participants, together with a bitcoin. Software managed distributed database (the block chain), in which all transactions are recorded.

Satochi Nakamoto - no one knows who hides behind this pseudonym

With Bitcoin, the so-called blockchain was born, the heart of Bitcoin technology and in tech circles what is called the next big thing. Numerous industries are now interested in blockchain technology, not just the banking sector anymore.

If it is up to the fans of the invention, then the Blockchain can and should revolutionize the whole world right away, from goods logistics to political decision-making, the lines of code should become the software of a completely automated and digitized world. Last weekend, a significant step in this direction may have been taken. After a month of crowdfunding, the project The DAO (The Decentralized Autonomous Organization) has accumulated the record $ 132 million in investment capital, making the now-seven-year-old Bitcoin technology look like a Stone Age invention.