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Neo / NEO

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Neo Categories:

Networking (P2P/VPN)

Further information can be found in our global_crypto_faq or Glossar

A distributed smart economy network

NEO is a platform in which users can issue and trade assets. NEO has been rebranded from the original 'Antshares'. NEO tokenizes proofs of ownership of an asset and not the asset itself, thus taking into account all of the legal complications and obligations that may come with the transfer of shares, equity and assets.

Do you also trust Neo?

NEO represent an ownership of the NEO platform and allows users to buy NEO (ANC) and to vote on protocol changes on the NEO blockchain. ANS are 100% premined and issued on the NEO's genesis block.

Advantages of crypto currencies


based on the new block-chain technology ..


Within minutes, transactions are securely stored in the blockchain

price Preis

Transaction fees are much cheaper than using banks ..